Capturing your happiness and emotions in a form you can share

Feeling Thankful

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As we enter another Memorial Day weekend, and I am hearing about all of the “great sales” and everyone’s plans to camp, or party, or BBQ, I figured it was good to put out a reminder of what this weekend is really about.  Yes, it is a three day weekend for many (and probably well deserved for those hard workers!) but I hope that everyone takes at least a moment to remember that it is really a way to thank our military members for their sacrifice, in the past, the present and the future.  I wrote this last year, and thought I would share it again as it is a good reminder for everyone, including myself.

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“As I lay on the beach today, soaking up the sun and listening to the sounds of the waves crash to the shore, and the seagulls making their calls, I heard a loud plane fly overhead and barely glanced at it.  At that moment it hit me how very lucky we are to live in a country with all of this beauty and peace.  How privileged we are to hear a plane and not think twice about it, while people in other countries have fear in their hearts when they hear that noise, wondering if there will be another bomb dropping that will destroy another part of their lives.   Whether they will still have a place to sleep that night, or if their families are safe.

As much as I don’t agree with most of the decisions politicians who “lead” our country have made, and I certainly don’t believe in war, I am grateful to live here, and oh so grateful to the men and women in our military who sacrifice so much to keep us safe and oblivious. Who have been sacrificing time with their families and loved ones in this war that has now lasted 12 years. 

So please remember what this holiday is about.  It’s not about getting drunk and partying, and it’s not about the sales at all the stores.  It is a way for our country to thank those who have lost their lives serving for something they believe in.  It’s about the men and women who are still overseas serving their country, and it’s about the families they leave behind.  It’s about being with your family, your friends, your loved ones and being thankful that you have that time with them when so many people don’t.  So take a moment to be grateful, and and send a prayer or positive thoughts to our men and women overseas.  Take a moment to thank a military member, or take a moment to thank a military spouse for holding it together while their soldier is away.  Happy Memorial Day weekend to you all.”

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